500 households are already taking part: Become part of BEready
Pandemic preparation made easy: Pets welcome, all age groups and household types - 500 households are already taking part and helping to better prepare for the future. Target: 1,500 households. Become part of the BEready long-term study!
Text: Emily Lim
500 households have already decided to take part in the BEready long-term cohort study. Our goal: 1,500 households. By taking part, you are making a valuable contribution to preparing for future pandemics and to scientific research.
Why take part?
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how important it is to be well prepared. With BEready, we want to collect long-term data that will help develop better strategies for dealing with pandemics. Your participation is a direct contribution to science and the health of society. Pets are welcome, and everyone can take part - at any age, whether individuals, families or flatmates.
Your effort is small - the benefit is great
Taking part in BEready is uncomplicated and takes little time. At the same time, you provide important information that helps researchers to strengthen the resilience of our society.
Become part of the BEready community!
Interested households can still register. Let's make a difference together - for science and for a better future.
For more information and to register, please visit our website: BEready.unibe.ch or contact us directly at BEready.mcid@unibe.ch.